Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Receipts, My Cat, and Other Random Shit I Ate

Being vegan and healthy is not super expensive!!! I am going to show my receipts and tell you what stuff my mom got me. Sometimes she gets random shit and it's vegan and I eat it. I also have gotten some veggies from a friend and soon I will be getting veggies from a nearby garden!

Super cheap and super healthy meals include green smoothies, and salads. Or just adding greens to whatever you have for dinner.

My smoothies are usually frozen bananas, a different fruit, greens (like 2 cups worth) and tap water. I have a Ninja and I got that for Xmas from my uncle. One day I will get a Vitamix. Sometimes I wish Bakersfield would jokingly/seriously get me an engagement Vitamix. Before my Ninja I used a hand me down $20 blender from a gf until I accidentally dropped the lid inside while it was on.

Yeah, juices can be more expensive. At least to me because when I squash the fruits and veggies down the juicer tube I think of all the fiber I'm wasting and it usually ends up being $10- $15 to make 2 days worth. My usual juice is apple, greens, celery, cucumber, and lemon. Or orange juice! Actually this is my new favorite. And I love it. I am so glad I came upon the banana girl. I used to only drink a little bit of organic fresh squeezed oj because I thought it would make me fat. :(  Now i drink 32 oz. in five minutes without a care. And it's fucking delicious. The green juices I am really used to by now over the years, but I still cringe a tad. OJ is better.

I am not going to give up on HCLFV, but it feels good to eat pretty much whatever I want right now after getting back from Germany. It is also nice knowing that I like to eat stuff that makes me feel good. Like I still eat bread and candy and cakes and cookies, but I need vegetables (greens!) and fruit daily. They make me feel good. Period.

So my cashier was Joann. Good to know.

I took my cat, Bilf out for a walk.

Yay! I had been waiting to try these for awhile.

Yes, I see the palm fruit oil and the fat content.

Homemade fries- olive oil, salt and pepper. The vegan mayo is Just Mayo's. Organic Annie's Ketchup. Pickles and toms from mom. Bread was Veganic's Sunflower Sesame. Organic Stoneground mustard.

My mom ate this vegan meal with me! That makes me so happy. She said she would eat another meal with me tomorrow.

I have to get to Findlay Market sometime. Kroger is a few blocks closer than my farmer's market. On this trip I got a free bag of oranges because they couldn't find the price. I was too tired to argue. And a little excited. Free 4 lb bag of organic oranges!

And we had salad with our burgers and fries. I tried to make a dressing, but I didn't like it. Green peppers, onions, garlic, olive oil, ACV, salt, pepper, italian seasoning, and some nooch. Blah. My mom ate everything though. Tomorrow I'm thinking Mac+Chz with our leftover burgers.

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