I saw Paradise Kittens for the first time last night. They're in the noise genre of music.
It was at a place called Rake's End in the Brighton neighborhood or West End. The DIY scene reigns supreme here. It's the working class here, the artists, the activists. PBRs are a steal at $2. Most of the buildings on the street look empty. The night air was balmy. I took turns listening to bands and then sitting outside with friends to talk on stickered-up benches about zoos and menstrual cups.
Paradise Kittens is a one-person band comprised of Ashley Bowman, someone I've known for 6 years which was told to me by fb the other day. When I gather round to listen I see she has blue lipstick all around her lips and a hooded robe with the hood on. At first the sounds are jolting and I jump from fright a couple times. I feel like I'm in a horror movie which is cool because I love horror movies. I stare at a slow-moving fan with a deflated green balloon going round and round entranced by how the sounds are making this simple machine seem insidious. This is part music and part artistic show.
The last song makes my hair stand on end. They say it's about sexual violence. Speaking into the microphone giving two parts of a relationship she conveys the realness of damaging relationships. I feel her pain and spiral down with her. I appreciated how personal it was. I can't wait to see the next show and what changes and what stays the same.
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