Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Happy Chicks Bakery!

I'm going today with my mom. We will probably go to the Northside Farmer's Market, too. Mmm.

ok, hours later and now I'm back.

WOTD- lachesism-the desire to be struck by disaster.

So it's funny that my last post was about HCB.

Jana and Jess own HCB and they didn't always have a storefront. I have ordered a couple cakes from them. Delicious. The store is in Northside and it used to be a bakery called Take the Cake. Ok, I'm doing captions from now on under the pictNure! Finally, I made a decision.

They have a small menu. It's only for lunch. Everything is good.

Top to bottom: Empanada, chickpea nuggets, pudlas and my coffee.

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