I just drank too much coffee. Well, I'm still drinking it. I'm going to "declutter" my life. (saw this on sign-1-800-DECLUTTER) Throw all papers away. Donate clothes to Fairhaven Thriftstore. Clean out my trunk. I'm going to quit coffee tomorrow and drink tea instead and then no caffeine at least for a couple months or so. When I feel like I can I want to do a Master Cleanse thingie over the/a weekend.
I'm listening to this nice music. Coffee shop-Groove. I think to myself 'where do they live?' People that listen to this music. It sounds like techno. and indie. I'm not being negative, but I feel like they live in a world of rotating pictures, model shots. smiles. It's fake, but who the fuck cares. It just happens to be their reality. I have my own...
today is Halloween. Fucking Halloween. I need to take a walk. (this next song is annoying, maybe I just want silence) Now when I drive I can't even stand NPR. I want to hear nothing. Weird. I guess. I'm hoping it's more mental stability in the right direction. Danny doesn't listen to music very often I think. I'll have to ask. I need my Halloween back. I'll find you. I have to leave this fucking coffee place or I am going to throw this speaker. I don't care about Willie Nelson. Rowr. I am bitchy today. I'm still annoyed I have to scare people for one more night. Damn it. And it's still going to be fun. Bye.
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